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The DCX Blog

Check out some additional reading on all things outsourcing, processes, efficiency, and employee happiness.

Delegating or outsourcing is an essential part of small and medium size businesses because of its potential for growth and cutting costs.

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Outsourcing and offshoring are both great opportunities for you to begin delegating business tasks outside of your company. But before you do, you need to ensure that you have created a quality description of the work you need. Below, you can find a few of our best tips for creating an effective ...

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In the past, “outsourcing” has been treated as a dirty word or something to be ashamed of. It’s been synonymous with cutting costs or cheapening your business, but that’s simply not true anymore.

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As a phrase, the term “outsourcing” may cause a bit of confusion and even some hesitation. Unfortunately, outsourcing has gotten a bad rep recently, but there’s nothing wrong or shameful about outsourcing. Outsourcing work from your company will help you save time and make your business run more ...

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