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Outsource these 5 Promo Products Tasks First

Written by Hubspot Author | April 11, 2022

by Craig Dunlap, CEO, Delegate CX

You've decided to branch out into outsourcing.

Congratulations! You've taken the first step to growing your team and business!

But what next?

How do you identify the tasks that can be outsourced most quickly and that will have the biggest impact on your productivity levels and team morale?

From years of working with Promo Products companies across the U.S., we've identified the top tasks that can be outsourced quickly and efficiently.

Read on for our suggestions!

5 Tasks to Outsource First:

  • 1) Order Entry
  • 2) Data Entry
  • 3) Draft Proposals
  • 4) Order Management
  • 5) Accounting

5 Tasks to Outsource First


1) Order Entry

Order entry is a task that is more beneficial to outsource than do in-house. This task requires entering all of your customers orders into tracking software. While you may not need an advanced degree to do it, it does require attention to detail and time.

It's easier to hire an independent contractor to handle your order entries than have your regular staff take up valuable time to do it. Instead, your full-time employees can focus on their core responsibilities and more strategic business activities.


2) Data Entry


Data Entry is the most common task that businesses outsource. It can be a tedious task having to copy and paste data into your CRM, or fill out daily or weekly order reports. When you outsource data entry, you can pay by the task or by the hour, saving you money from paying a regular employee's full salary.

It's also worth remembering that when you outsource data entry tasks, you can teach your input method to the outsourcer one time. Then there's nothing for you to do but supply the data and receive completed compilations.

3) Draft Proposals

Creating draft proposals is a common task in the Promo Products industry that benefits from outsourcing. When you outsource this job, you're hiring an experienced drafter to convey your offer creatively. Choosing someone with experience can help you have better deals, fewer surprises, and higher acceptance rates.

When you allow an outsourcer to draft your proposals, they use their experience and skills to piece together a draft of your listed terms. All that's left for you to do is review it and approve or request changes.

Want to know what tasks you can outsource with Delegate CX?

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4) Order Management

The next non-essential task that you should outsource from the start is order management. When you outsource this role, you allow someone else to handle the necessary communications with your suppliers for each order and delivery.

Your outsourcer can also enter the supply information into the necessary software so you can have up-to-date records of all shipments.


5) Accounting

Accounting is a crucial part of managing your business. If your numbers are off, you won't have a proper idea of how your Promo Products business is profiting or losing. It can also allow for unnoticed theft or IRS problems.

Outsourcing your accounting ensures that your figures are accurate and reflect the correct data for your business. It also reduces the chances of in-company embezzlement. It's often cheaper to outsource your accounting than to hire a full-time in-house accountant.

There are plenty of ways to find suitable outsourcing for your accounting needs. Accounting is process-oriented, which makes it easier to find employees and document processes.


When you start outsourcing, it can be difficult to know which tasks to begin with, and how to identify the best activities to support your team. Starting with these five tasks is the best way to add that extra layer of support and to see productivity levels skyrocket!